
Replace a Missing Tooth with a Durable Dental Implant


Advancements in the dental industry give patients many options to correct their teeth in a way that will make them happy and proud of their smile. For some, missing a tooth here and there isn’t that big of a problem, but we at West Hills Smiles in West Hills, CA, want you to know that there is an answer to keep you healthy.

Dental Implant vs. Dental Bridge or Dentures

Dental implants are for the patients that are looking to fix their smiles in a permanent and efficient manner. When compared to dental bridges and dentures, dental implants are unparalleled. While bridges and dentures rely on gravity, surround teeth and gum lines to stay in place, dental implants become an integral part of your mouth. Longevity, seamlessness, function, convenience, and independence are all benefits that come from dental implants only. If you want a solution that is natural looking, functions like your other teeth, and will last a long time, investing in dental implants is the way to go.

Tooth Implant Method

Titanium implants are put into the jawline. This becomes the foundation for a porcelain set of teeth that look and function like normal. The titanium, over time, will integrate into your jaw, giving you a great basis for beautiful crowns placed right on top.

Schedule a tooth implant consultation with us here at West Hills Smiles in West Hills, CA. We offer our patients the appropriate care they need to achieve their dream smiles. If you have been thinking about dental implants and you live in West Hills, CA, or its surrounding communities we would love to help you. Our experience and passion for oral care speaks for itself the second you walk through our doors. Give us a call today!

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