
Why Good Dental Health Is Important

Dental Clinic

Oral health is a vital part of your overall health and can impact the well-being of your mind and body.

Here are a few reasons why maintaining good dental health is a critical aspect of having good overall health.

A Threat to Mental Health

Oral health is one of the 10 leading health indicators. Others include access to health care facilities, nutrition, cancer, and heart diseases according to researchers.

A person may feel extremely uneasy due to their declining oral health. Furthermore, a person may suffer financially and socially, which can lead to additional health problems like stress and anxiety.

Most of the diseases caused by poor oral health can be prevented by adopting healthy habits.

Increased Risk of Heart Diseases

Plaque can build up on your teeth over time if you don’t floss or brush twice a day.

This can increase the risk of heart attack or stroke as oral plaque can block the arteries, as found in a study.

Another heart condition that’s been linked with poor oral health is endocarditis. As bacteria builds up in the mouth, it may cause the gums to bleed. This can cause the bacteria to travel into the bloodstream and make their way to other parts of the body. When it reaches the heart, it can lead to an infection in your heart chambers known as endocarditis.

A dentist in West Hills showing an X-Ray to the patient

It can Complicate Diabetes

Periodontitis is a critical dental illness that can lead to a complex cycle. In this disease, the gums become inflamed to the point where they pull away from the teeth and form gaps that may become infected.

This makes it difficult for diabetic patients to absorb insulin (a medicine that lowers blood sugar levels). As a result, sugar levels rise, which accelerates the buildup of infections in the mouth. To avoid this, it’s crucial diabetic patients maintain good dental health.

Are you looking for the best dentist near West Hills, CA?

West Hills Smiles delivers reliable and quality dental treatment services in West Hills, CA, at an affordable cost. Our team comprises highly trained and qualified professionals who are committed to providing premier-quality dental treatment. We offer an extensive range of general and cosmetic dentistry services at our state-of-the-art facility. We use the latest technology to ensure our patients receive the best dental care in West Hills.

Get in touch with our team to book an appointment with no wait time in case of emergencies.


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